Once Unprofitable – Now Profitable

In writing to Philemon, the Apostle Paul fully acknowledged that Onesimus was once unprofitable. Onesimus had failed Philemon. It would appear that he had abandoned his responsibilities. His actions had proved a breach of trust and, no doubt, Philemon was disappointed. In seeing him again, Philemon might be tempted to think that this unprofitable servant was still so. He might be tempted to refuse to receive him on his return. But the Apostle could assure him that Onesimus was now profitable.

What had changed? Onesimus was now a Christian. It would appear that he had come under the power of the gospel preached by Paul while in Rome. Since his conversion, Paul had personal experience of the usefulness of this man. Now, Paul would have him to return to his master Philemon, whom he would have to receive him, not only as a servant, but as a ‘brother beloved’. Philemon and Onesimus were now brothers, in a spiritual sense.

As Paul observed in writing to the Galatians, ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.’ (Galatians 3:28)

Onesimus was now called, as all believers are, to walk in newness of life. How good it was that Paul, in writing to Philemon, could so confidently assure him that while Onesimus had been unprofitable, he was now profitable. Useful, as a new creature in Christ Jesus.

How is it with us? Must we not acknowledge, that we have been unprofitable? But are we now profitable?

How good it was that Paul could say of Onesimus, that he was, now profitable, using his gifts and abilities to a good end. But how can we begin to be truly profitable, until we be born again? This was, after all, the change that Onesimus had experienced, who was once unprofitable, but now profitable. 

G B Macdonald


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